
Snapple Mural

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The Snapple Mural in Red Hook, Brooklyn NY



The maquette depicting the mural designed by Elyse Taylor.

The mural, "A Dream Grows in Brooklyn" was designed, organized, and executed
by Elyse Taylor. It was commissioned by City Arts, and sponsored by the Snapple
Beverage Company. Painted on the harbor side of Snapple's distribution plant, it rises
32 feet, and spans 93 feet. The imagery presents a colorful fantasy depicting young
people in various circumstances. All the faces and figures in the mural are in the likeness
of the actual youngsters who worked on the project. The road of fruit represents their
journey through life. The scale is enormous! A tall person could fit into the orange slice
in the middle of the mural!


View from the water.


The mural was completed at the end of 1994,
 and dedicated in 1995.



And... the mural is still viewed by tourists and New Yorkers alike from the daily passing ferries

www.cityarts.org Mural painting title A Dream Grows in Red Hook 1994 - Brooklyn New York http://www.cityarts.org/gallery.php
outdoor mural title "A Dream Grows in Red Hook - 1994"
location: Mr. Natural Building, 212 Wolcott - Brooklyn
Red Hook Brooklyn NY City Arts New York org mural design by Artist Elyse Taylor Bklyn NY Sponsored by Mr. Natural, the Snapple Natural Beverage Corporation Snapple Beverage Snapple soda Bklyn NYC City Arts NYC / CITYarts is about kids collaborating with professional artists as well as dozens of dedicated volunteers and interns.